Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Rock Climbing and Swim in February

rock climbing at the community center
The kids had off for Monday for President's.  There was a lot of minecraft going on in the house especially when the weather was dreary and I wasn't feeling well.  It worries me that when I am not there to tell them to get off the computer they have a hard time doing so.

Nevertheless, I got them off the computers and took them to the community center.  We are very lucky to live near a community center that has a pool, a gym and a rock climbing wall.  It's perfect, they can swim and I can go for a jog on the treadmill.  And we all shared in the fun of the rock climbing wall.

When we lived in Florida, the local YMCA would have teen hip hop classes and open pool, all reasonably priced under $10.  Actually we did not go over $5 per kid.  It gets them off the computer, it gets them moving, and we didn't have to do it in the cold.  Even our local gym is only $7 for the day and the gym has yoga and jazzercise classes.

Now that you have older children you can take them to the gym.  Many local gyms and community centers  have activities just for the kids.  A big favorite are the indoor basketball courts.  I've never seen them anywhere else but a community center.

If you are interested in your teen or tween using the equipment, keep in mind you are not looking to bulk up.  Click here to check out the mayo clinic's suggestions for strength training in teens and tweens.

After the pool the kids enjoyed the track on the second floor.

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